Even though his parents
were Roman Catholics,
he thought pulling his pud
made his nose look Jewish.
In a confessional booth,
a priest told him so.
His father taught:
Honesty is the best policy.
Yet he saw his father shake
the leathery hand of a man
who asked to be paid in cash
for taking down a huge tree
in front of their house.
In Sunday School he learned
his father trashed
the Eighth Commandment:
Thou shalt not steal.
Even Presidents lie and cheat,
explaining: I am not a crook!
No WMD found in Iraq,
the Gulf of Tonkin,
an LBJ fabrication.
Bhopal and Union Carbide,
asbestos and mesothelioma,
the list goes on.
Uncle Sam groans:
The lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Not so honest words
ring in my ears. The good Lord
must be looking the other way.